Trust links and Google ranking

How Trustlinks Affect Your Google Ranking

The Google algorithm is constantly being improved. You are dissatisfied with the ranking of your website on Google and want to improve it. Then you should take a look at the ranking factor of the Trustlinks. You can find out what trust links are and how to use them on your website in the following article.

Worth knowing about Trustlinks

Trust links or camouflage links are links that are used on your own website and refer to another trustworthy website.

In order to clarify the question of why you should use trust links on your website, the general purpose of a link must be explained. The advantage of texts on your website compared to offline media is that sources and background information are linked directly in the text and can therefore be called up.

Good web texts can be recognized by this characteristic. Because these should not be structured like print texts, but supported by links. Links in informative texts also lead to other trustworthy websites and not just to subpages of your own website.

Website operators fear that some visitors will stay away from their website. This fear is unjustified, especially when looking at the user experience. Because nobody is omniscient and has all the information on their own website. In order to offer your users the best possible user experience, you should not shy away from using backlinks. Because the same applies to your website: the customer is king!

Impact on ranking on Google

With the links used, care should be taken to ensure that the source of the information is reputable and trustworthy. Because Google is also able to assess whether it is a reputable source or not. The use of Trustlinks also affects your Google ranking. If the links you use have been classified as trustworthy by Google, your website will also be classified as trustworthy. However, trust links are not a direct ranking factor, but the links make the website authentic. Your Trustrank, which is part of the EAT factors, will be strengthened the more natural the overall impression of your website is.

Suitable websites for trust links

Until a few years ago, Wikipedia entries dominated Google’s SERPs. The online encyclopedia entries were thus frequently used as trust links. Today, the entries are rarely among the best online results, which means that they should not be used as trust links.

Websites of technical experts, ministries and authorities are definitely suitable as trust links. The websites of Google’s premium partners can also be used as trust links. It should always be noted that the Trustlink offers the user added value. For this reason, you should avoid linking to the home page of another website.

Sarja Reinecke



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